The Way of Christ

The disciples understand that to live the way of Christ takes much faith—and not just agreement to a certain set of principles, but to do the hard work of discipleship.

Read Luke 17:5-10.

To make sense of this passage, we must look at Jesus’ teaching in the verses that precede it. First he warns his disciples about the potential for stumbling blocks in their journey of faith and then he teaches on extravagant forgiveness. This life to which Jesus’ followers is called is not always a cake walk. It takes sacrifice of self, attentiveness to the needs of others, and a commitment to embodying the values of God’s kingdom. The disciples understand that to live the way of Christ takes much faith—and not just agreement to a certain set of principles, but to do the hard work of discipleship. They realize they cannot do it on their own and they ask Christ for help.

In your Christian walk, what is nearly impossible for you to do? How might the Spirit empower and enable you?

In prayer, ask for the strength of the Spirit to walk the way of Christ.


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