
I wonder how often our expression of praise is half-hearted. I wonder how often we say the words out of habit, giving them little thought.

Read Psalm 138.

In this song of praise, the psalmist expresses gratitude for God’s steadfast love and faithfulness. They have experienced these attributes through answered prayers, strength to withstand tough times, a sense of mattering, and protection. In response, they give thanks ‘with their whole heart’ (vs. 1). I wonder how often our expression of praise is half-hearted. I wonder how often we say the words out of habit, giving them little thought. Something I catch myself doing in my prayers of praise is upping the ante. “Thank you, God, for this beautiful, sunny day. Now could you send a little rain, too?” “Thank you, God, for forgiving the harsh words I said to my spouse last night. Now could you help them to see that I was right?”

This week, commit yourself to a time of whole-hearted worship. Whether it is during the Sunday morning service or during your personal time of prayer, focus your mind and center your heart on praise and thanksgiving. Give thought and attention to the many ways God continues to faithfully bless the earth and all that is in it. Sing the doxology with gusto! “Praise God from whom all blessings flow!”


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