Wise Use of Time

How wisely do we spend our time?

Read Ephesians 5:15-20.

In the Wesley Study Bible, we read this comment on these verses: “For Paul, no one is eternally secure until they are secure in eternity.” To that end, he advises we should live as if we’ve already arrived – not wasting time with foolish things like getting drunk, but filling ourselves with the Spirit, singing, offering worship and praise, and giving thanks at all times.

What other foolish things might Paul advise you not to waste your time with? Can you hear him saying, “Don’t waste your time with being angry?” “Don’t waste your time with holding grudges?” “Don’t waste your time worrying about having the nicest car in town or the cleanest house of everyone you know?” “Don’t waste your time obsessing over whether you can still fit into the same size jeans you wore when you were 18?” What would it look like if you used the same amount of time singing, offering praise, and being thankful?

Today, find a song that fills you with the Spirit and sing it as an offering of thanks and praise. No matter how good or bad your voice is, I’m certain God, like any good parent, will treasure it!


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